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Saturday, 5 July 2008

Happy Belated Birthday

To me!! hehehe

Anyway, I have some stuff that I want to clear out of my inventory, so as my birthday gift/s to you, I'm doing a clear out. I have to slowly, slowly list it as I have not the time or day, to do so all in a day's work, so bear with me.

As you have already read, bubblegoomerz etsy shop is shut (but not the business). However, if you check out my other shop, my present shop, eyesnwhiskers, then you'll see the items there.

Because it was my birthday a few days back, I'm giving this very special privilege to whoever is reading this.

So, check out my store, or my flickr and see what you like! And the catch? No catch, it's free! (except paying for shipping) Come on, you don't for my hard labour, you just pay for shipping, so really, it's not as bad! :P

Later! :)

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