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Monday 10 November 2008

In the mood for making...

So, I mentioned last week I had no mood whatsoever to make anything new. I guess I had a total "creative block", I even had writer's block"!! Anyway, I've made two necklaces, chains and looking wicked. I'm currently sewing the twisted ruffles style for a friend of mine, and I am working on more projects. I've been promising over and over to make stuff for the guys, so I'm hoping there'll be more for them next year!! Sorry for such a delay. I'm terrible, I know! Well, it's late, got to sleep. Night x

Monday 3 November 2008

Switch Off Mode

Hey People
I'm taking some time off from making things. I'm currently busy with a lot of things that has been going on in my personal life, so I have not had much time to make anything new at all. I am however still selling my calendars, both desk and wall, so do let me know if you are interested.

My e-mail is
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