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Wednesday 27 August 2008

Back to work...

Well, it's back to work for me, by which I mean back to making more creative art work. I have not made that many jewelleries yet (or jewelries for US). Although, I have finally finished one of my major art collage mixed media project which is showcased in my etsy shop, then I have been working on digitally enhancing a picture of my cat entitled 'frank sweet pea'. This particular print comes in different sizes. The price listed is for an ACEO card which is fairly small, nearly the same size as a standard business card.

Recently, I have finished doing two art work and also fabric based projects. I'm designing more of the original E&W (eyes&whiskers) and currently doing two BIG projects. I'm using as many fabris I have left and also recycling whatever I have and making them look pretty and charming.

I do however, need to re-take two photos of my art work as night times are possibly the worse times for photo taking! :)

It's all about the lighting, etc etc.

Here are some pictures to entertain you in the mean time. My art works are one of a kind, if you want me to draw or sew or make anything more than once, do let me know!


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Monday 18 August 2008

Advice for the guys (hehe)

So, I got a forwarded message from a friend of mine and just wanted to know how many guys actually do it??? I know I'm full of cheekiness, but I honestly want to find out though.

I know this is totally out of the blue and possibly a little bit childish!

You know that every night before you go to sleep there is one person of the opposite sex thinking of you. They want to kiss you, they want to be with you, they are always thinking about you

When she acts shy- Say I Love You
When she runs away from you- Chase her
When she puts her face near yours- Kiss her
When she kicks and punches you- Hold her tight
When she is silent- Shes thinking of how to say I Love You
When she ignores you-> She wants all your attention
When she pulls away- grab her by the waist and never let go
When you see her at her worst- tell her she's BEAUTIFUL
When she screams at you- Tell her you love her, you have you mean it
When you see her walking- Sneak up behind her and grab her by the waist and give her a kiss
When she's scared- Hold her and tell her everything will be okay 'cause she's with you
When she looks like some things the matter-Kiss her and tell her not to worry
While she holds your hand- Play with her fingers.
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