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Saturday, 3 February 2007

The moment you've been waiting for....


What do you think? Do I get the thumbs up? Is your mouth watering already? Does this seem like a perfect Valentine's Day gift? And below....
Hearts2Hearts Tassling earrings (only 2 available)

To match with these lovely pieces of earrings, I have made pendants for them, although I ran out of some heart beads. There is no green one available unfortunately. But here are the pendants though! (pictured below)

They are just simply beautiful. I thought of not including the chains for this as perhaps, you would like to use a ribbon or a cord string to wear the pendant with. Together with the earrings, they here we go...drums rolling.....GBP3.30. Yup! Also, they will be wrapped nicely..a perfect V-day gift, or something to spoil yourself =). To purchase, go to my ETSY shop!!


I have made other stuff of which is not specifically a Valentine's Day selection. Here it is..I call it the "Pearly-O-Owl"

Made using freshwater pearls, seed beads and a cute cloisonne owl pendant ;) There are only 5 pendant (including this one). I will put a clasp to it of course..which is not shown in this pic (so sorry!). I do apologise. Very lovely and delicate, don't you think? Isn't it divine!
By the way, sales end Feb 15th! So hurry! However, the unsold sale items shall still be on my website anyway. If you have questions to ask..feel free to send me an e-mail. By the way, to fellow Etsyians, I have some items which I am selling on my etsy shop. Did you notice my cool, funky banner I designed? ;)
Ok, off now...have a great weekend!

1 comment:

~*Charms 2007*~ said...

Thanks for adding our link to your blog.
Your art to wear looks like fun!
Have a happy day!

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